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Many of these resources on the novel Coronavirus 2019 outbreak are applicable to any high risk communicable disease. Most recent additions are at the top of the list.

Oxygen conservation strategies during COVID-19 surges (Chest, 2021) with a beautiful infographic.

History & Physical intake sheet for new COVID patients presenting to clinic or hospital

Process to receive VSA patients from out-of-hospital arrests, minimizing risk to staff and PPE use

This regularly updated website provides accessible COVID-19 information in different languages to help all patients know when, and how, to seek care

















A flowchart, assessment and order sheet for intake of suspected COVID patient in hospital. Online Word (editable) and PDF versions are also available.

Diagram of clinical workflow: COVID 19 Assessment and Testing

Alternate Care Site toolkit from FEMA and HHS for facilities contemplating an off site expansion.


A simple video on PPE preservation including donning and doffing (with an N95 but applies to regular masks).


Harvard has launched a site with ever updating COVID treatment guidelines

PMPH, the publishers of the textbook Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare Facilities have agreed to make the relevant chapters open access

Some resources from Oxford’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine 
1  What is the efficacy of standard face masks compared to respirator masks in preventing COVID-type respiratory illnesses in primary care staff?

 2  Rapid diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia for clinicians

 3  Rapidly managing pneumonia in older people during a pandemic

AIME  Covid -19 Airway Management  adult emergency rapid sequence intubation approach

Practical recommendations for critical care and anesthesiology teams caring for novel coronavirus patients
 (from the Canadian Journal of Anesthesia February 12, 2020)

The Chinese Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention & Treatment

UW’s current COVID-19 response resources - very extensive resources for hospitals

A summary of the experience in Bergamo Italy. Short, practical and front line oriented.

Sunnybrook Hospital’s current COVID-19 response resources
Another extensive resource list for hospitals. The resources are dated which is extremely useful in the current changing situation.

Systematic review and expert panel recommendations on critical care for patients affected by Covid-19.
Complete document (>100 pages long).

Eight page summary by Dr Christian Vaillancourt of the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute.

Public Health Ontario information regarding the novel coronavirus  (COVID-19)

Public Health Ontario MERS triage, screening and patient management guidelines from 2016 (PDF download)

Public Health Ontario information regarding novel coronavirus  testing

CDC COVID 19 page with updates and information for healthcare providers, travelers, health departments and more

WHO daily sitreps

WHO general COVID-19 page

OSHA’s  PPE guidance document for MERC-CoV

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus tracking map

The Government of Ontario  Coronavirus information page (with more links)

Minnesota Department of Health High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) Toolbox for Frontline Health Care Facilities (updated 09/20/2019) can be found here

PPE donning and doffing videos:
Donning and doffing gloves
Donning and doffing facial protection
Donning and doffing facial and eye protection
Donning and Doffing Isolation Gowns
Donning and Doffing Level One PPE using an N95 respirator
Donning and Doffing Level One PPE using a PAPR

Powerpoint on Applying the Principles of Protected Code Blue to COVID-19


Airborne Infectious Disease Management - Methods for Temporary Negative Pressure Isolation (PDF download, Minnesota Dept of Health)

 WHO Critical Care Severe Acute Respiratory Infection Training Short Course designed for “intensive care units (ICUs) in low and middle-income countries ”.


Photo by Viktor Forgacs on Unsplash

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