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Journal Club

Verglas et pannes électriques et les patients avec MPOC
(Ice storms, power outages, and COPD exacerbations)

4 avril 2024. Un 2e enregistrement en français! Cette fois-ci, nous résumons les conséquences de la tempête de verglas d'avril 2023 incluant les pannes électriques prolongées qui ont affecté plus d'un million de personnes au Québec et en Ontario. Nous discutons également de l’augmentation des hospitalisations et des complications pour les patients atteints de maladie pulmonaire chronique pendant les coupures de courant.

Vive le français! (Et préparons-nous aux feux de forêt)

15 Jan 2024 Pour la première fois en français, nous vous présentons! Nous discutons d'articles sur les feux de forêt, les évacuations, et la qualité de l'air. L'épidémiologiste Dr Eric Lavigne se joint à nous et offre des avis importants sur des sujets qui nous touchent tous, tôt ou tard, de près ou de loin.

Pediatric Disaster Triage

1 Dec 2023 Author Dr. Chady El Tawil joins us to discuss his paper on pediatric mass-casualty triage systems. We're still looking for the right one...

Disaster triage

15 Nov 2023 START, maybe the best disaster triage system we have. But is it accurate? Do we need to rethink the concept of hospital disaster triage?

Active shooter resources

Gestalt for triage:
Cheng MT, Sung CW, Ko CH, Chen YC, Liew CQ, Ling DA, Liao EC, Lu TC, Ku NW, Fu LC, Huang CH, Tsai CL. Physician gestalt for emergency department triage: A prospective videotaped study. Acad Emerg Med. 2022 Sep;29(9):1050-1056. doi: 10.1111/acem.14557. Epub 2022 Jul 28. PMID: 35785459.

Artificial intelligence and anatomic location in GSW triage:
Nederpelt CJ, Mokhtari AK, Alser O, et al. Development of a field artificial intelligence triage tool: Confidence in the prediction of shock, transfusion, and definitive surgical therapy in patients with truncal gunshot wounds. The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2021 Jun;90(6):1054-1060.

Response to Mass Shootings

19 Dec 2022
Expert opinion of surgeons and others involved in mass shootings. Some answers, many questions raised. Are preparations, policies, and plans specific to shootings helpful? Are these types of preparations applicable to other crises? Does the focus on response distract from the more important issue of prevention? How does this apply to countries outside the United States?

A previous journal club on drones in disaster medicine:

Cost effectiveness analysis from website Unmanned Airspace:

Commentary and other resources on hospital evacuation:

Drones in disaster medicine

12 December 2022
How are unmanned aircraft being used in medical disaster response? Perhaps more importantly, what are the future possibilities of this technology in this application? We reviewed three articles to answer these questions. Some exciting Canadian research, a real-life success story, and lots of questions about how this will advance our ability to respond to disasters.

Decontamination in mass-casualty events

27 June 2022
An exploration into different methods for decontamination, especially when time is limited and the number of patients is large as in a mass-casualty event. Are we doing the right thing? Featuring Charles-Alexandre Campbell, Advanced Care Paramedic and CBRNE Instructor.

RATE - Disaster triage

23 March 2022
• A group of five triage experts validated the RATE protocol.
• Two RATE training methods were tested in a quasi-experiment with triage RNs.
• A RATE infographic or an e-learning module can be used for staff training.
• The RATE infographic is convenient for resource poor areas or just-in-time training.
Gudrun Reay and Cathy Dobson on the RATE protocol...

Drones and mass gatherings

8 Feb 2022
Drones for scene survey: safe and effective.
Drones hitting you in the face: effectively unsafe.

Patient tracking

17 Dec 2021
Keeping track of patients in disasters. One step closer to universal and individual barcode tattoos?

Active shooter/code silver

17 Dec 2021
Violent assailant in a hospital. In situ simulation testing response protocol.

Prehospital limb hemorrhage

13 Dec 2021
Tourniquets prior to and in the ER. New insights on old technology.

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