Our primary focus is health care. While emergency preparedness by definition is multi-faceted and interdependent among various agencies, we will address issues from a health-centred perspective
Emergency Planning
While the management of trauma and illness related to disasters may be viewed as an extension of health care in general, our focus will be on health care mitigation/prevention, preparedness, response and recovery consistent with federal, provincial and municipal legislation and direction. Furthermore, we will break down the traditional silos between health and other agencies by developing educational programs and promoting common terminology and incident management templates.
Best Practice
Perhaps the true uniqueness of CEEP is demonstrated by our commitment to science and research. As academic-based clinicians and experts in emergency planning, our standards, opinions, educational programs, and all documents bearing CEEP identification will be based on best evidence or expert consensus with respect to best practice.
A "Bottom-up" Approach
A key component of our role is to bring a front-line perspective to decision making bodies and planning structures. Our membership reflects the front line providers across Canada and is designed to inform and complement the excellent work done by "top-down" emergency planners at municipal, provincial and federal levels.
National Mandate
Our mandate is national, as reflected in our membership. This means that our output will be inclusive and applicable and reflect distinctly Canadian issues regarding preparedness for natural and man-made threats. Our goal is to provide and integrate standards, processes and programs across jurisdictions, to promote consistency and seamlessness across Canada.