Environmental disasters and climate change
Canadian National Adaptation Strategy for climate preparedness
This is an ongoing process and they are in final strategy development with a target for report release by end of this year. The links at the bottom of the page provide access to more information and discussion fora.
josh sapla from FreeImages
Health Canada publications and resources available on Climate Change, including resources for community preparedness. This page is a list of links including a communications toolkit.
Extreme heat events. Lessons from Seattle's record-breaking summers. An interview from ASPR-TRACIE senior editor Dr. John Hick with local disaster experts.
Government of Canada Extreme Heat Events Guidelines: Technical Guide for Health Care Workers. This is both a clinical and management resource.
Hurricane safety tips and resources
The Red Cross guide to preparing for hurricanes
Detailed weather information and alerts (Canada)
CDC- Hurricanes and Other Tropical Storms
Ready.gov Hurricane Resources:
Protective Equipment for Workers in Hurricane Flood Response
Information from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health on personal protective equipment (PPE) and worker safety.
ASPR/Tracie Hurricane resources
Storm/Flood and Hurricane/Typhoon Response
Resource page for emergency response, including information on cleanup, disaster site management, and medical risks.
MMWR: Mold Prevention Strategies and Possible Health Effects in the Aftermath of Hurricanes and Major Floods
Comprehensive report on health risks from mold and remediation.
Educational Materials by Topic (English & Spanish) Patient information for survivors after a hurricane about the risks they might face at home