Response to Mass Shootings
19 Dec 2022
Expert opinion of surgeons and others involved in mass shootings. Some answers, many questions raised. Are preparations, policies, and plans specific to shootings helpful? Are these types of preparations applicable to other crises? Does the focus on response distract from the more important issue of prevention? How does this apply to countries outside the United States?

Goolsby, Craig, et al. "Mass shootings in America: consensus recommendations for healthcare response." Journal of the American College of Surgeons (2022): 10-1097.
Active shooter pages on CEEP:
Gestalt for triage:
Cheng MT, Sung CW, Ko CH, Chen YC, Liew CQ, Ling DA, Liao EC, Lu TC, Ku NW, Fu LC, Huang CH, Tsai CL. Physician gestalt for emergency department triage: A prospective videotaped study. Acad Emerg Med. 2022 Sep;29(9):1050-1056. doi: 10.1111/acem.14557. Epub 2022 Jul 28. PMID: 35785459.
Artificial intelligence and anatomic location in GSW triage:
Nederpelt CJ, Mokhtari AK, Alser O, et al. Development of a field artificial intelligence triage tool: Confidence in the prediction of shock, transfusion, and definitive surgical therapy in patients with truncal gunshot wounds. The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2021 Jun;90(6):1054-1060.
Photo by Piron Guillaume on